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Agencies » Tucson Sun Tran

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 • : 6-Euclid/N 1st Ave at Halcyon (SW) on 1st Av

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1: 7 Mins
at . 2:45 behind Vehicle 3154 Riders: 0 6 Downtown
aprchg Radin Av (SE) on Wetmore Only

2: 24 Mins
at . (Sched. based, not scheduled to be in service yet) 0:00 behind 6 Downtown Only

3: 42 Mins
at . 0:00 behind Vehicle 2947 Load 176%? 6 Downtown
at University (NE) on Euclid Only

4: 1h22 Mins
at . 0:00 behind Vehicle 3154 Load 200%? 6 Downtown
aprchg Radin Av (SE) on Wetmore Only

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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.