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Agencies » Vernon Regional Transit System

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1: Vehicle 2651 Empty on route 60-Enderby/Vernon 7:20 ahead of going Enderby- Via Armstrong
aprchg George on Enderby: Mill

2: Vehicle 2742 Many Seats on route 23-Canoe 8:33 behind going Canoe
past Lakeshore Dr NE on 4 St NE

3: Vehicle 2744 Empty on route 22-College/Hillcrest 3:14 ahead of going College / Hillcrest
at Hudson Ave on Shuswap St N

4: Vehicle 2802 Many Seats on route 24-Pierre's Point 2:53 ahead of going Pierre's Point
aprchg Shuswap on Hudson

5: Vehicle 2864 Many Seats on route 61-Lumby/Vernon 2:10 behind going Lumby- Via Lavington
past Hwy 6 2600 block

6: Vehicle 4007 Many Seats on route 1-Coldstream/Downtown 1:22 behind going Coldstream- Kal Beach
aprchg Linden on Cunliffe

7: Vehicle 4008 Many Seats on route 2-Pleasant Valley 2:27 ahead of going Pleasant Valley
at Downtown Exchange

8: Vehicle 4009 Many Seats on route 3-North End/Downtown 0:03 ahead of going Downtown- Via Alexis Park
past 5600 Block on Anderson Way

9: Vehicle 4011 Many Seats on route 5-South Vernon 5:58 behind going South Vernon
past 40 St on Okanagan

10: Vehicle 4012 Many Seats on route 9-North End/Downtown 0:36 ahead of going North End
past 37 Ave on 33 St

11: Vehicle 4013 Empty on route 7-Okanagan Landing 1:57 behind going Ok Landing
aprchg Tronson 6900 blck

12: Vehicle 4015 Many Seats on route 6-College/Downtown 0:27 ahead of going Downtown- Via Hospital
aprchg 16 Ave on 31 St

13: Vehicle 4016 Many Seats on route 9-North End/Downtown 2:01 behind going Downtown
past 29th on 48th

14: Vehicle 9272 Standing Room on route 90-UBCO/Vernon 0:07 behind going Ubco - To Vernon
past Oyama on Pelmewash Pkwy

15: Vehicle 9276 Many Seats on route 90-UBCO/Vernon 9:40 behind going Ubco - To Ubco
past Cornwall on Pelmewash Pkwy