Current time: 10:21:57PM Refresh
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• : 53A-South Pulaski at 110th Street on Pulaski going ↑Pulaski on 31st Street
Prev Stop | Next Stop | Near Stops | Schedule | Set Destination
1: 15 - 18 Mins at 10:37:14PM. 0:00 behind 10:38:42PM Vehicle 1230 Load 96%? ↩at 103rd Street on Pulaski Only
2: 40 - 43 Mins at 11:02:14PM. 0:19 ahead of 11:03:42PM Vehicle 8421 Load 99%? ↩at Marquette Rd on Pulaski Only
3: 1h05 - 1h08 Mins at 11:27:07PM. 0:08 ahead of 11:28:42PM Vehicle 8688 Load 101%? ↩aprchg 31st Street on Komensky Only
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