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Agencies » Ontario Northland

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1: Vehicle 1702 Waiting 38:30. Last seen 14:29

2: Vehicle 1901 on route ONTC-Sudbury - Toronto 45:43 behind going Toronto
past Vaughan - Hwy 407 terminal

3: Vehicle 1904

4: Vehicle 1905
near Sudbury

5: Vehicle 1906 on route ONTC-Toronto - Sudbury 8:22 behind going Sudbury
aprchg Gordon Bay

6: Vehicle 1917
near Cheo Hospital

7: Vehicle 2101 on route ONTC-Sault Ste Marie to Thunder Bay 21:43 behind going Thunder Bay
aprchg Sault College

8: Vehicle 2106 Waiting 28:34. Last seen 3:22

9: Vehicle 5405 on route ONTC-Toronto - North Bay 1:07 behind going North Bay
past Huntsville

10: Vehicle 5501 on route ONTC-Winnipeg to Thunder Bay 18:11 behind going Thunder Bay
aprchg Kakabeka Falls

11: Vehicle 5602 Waiting 41:20. Last seen 14:57

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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.