Agencies » Chicago CTA

 •  55A-55th/Austin

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Westbound to 65th Street on AustinEastbound to Midway Orange Line Station
Midway Orange Line StationAustin at 65th Street
55th Street at CiceroAustin at 64th Street
55th Street at LaramieAustin at 63rd Street
55th Street at LockwoodAustin at 62nd Street
55th Street at LongAustin at 61st Street
55th Street at LinderAustin at 60th Street
55th Street at Central5920 S Austin
55th Street at MenardAustin at 59th Street
55th Street at MayfieldAustin at 58th Street
Austin at 55th StreetAustin at 56th Street
Austin at 56th StreetAustin at 55th Street
Austin at 58th Street55th Street at Mayfield
Austin at 59th Street55th Street at Menard
5920 S Austin55th Street at Central
Austin at 60th Street55th Street at Linder
Austin at 62nd Street55th Street at Long
Austin at 63rd Street55th Street at Lockwood
Meade at 63rd Street55th Street at Laramie
Meade at 64th Place55th Street at Cicero
Austin at 65th StreetMidway Orange Line Station

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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.