Agencies » Daytona Beach Votran

 •  15 Night Orange Ave

No branches have been detected as scheduled, so all branches are listed

Intermodal Transit FacilityBeville Road Shelter E
Peninsula at Earl SPromenade Shopping Ctr. Ib
Peninsula at Main SClearwater at Nova Ib
384 Beach St.1183 S. Nova Ib
Beach at Bethune SNova at Woodcliff Ib
162 S. Beach ObForest Glenn at Nova Ib
Beach St And Intl Speedway SNorth Of Forest Glen On Nova Ib
Beach at Myrtle ObBellevue at Nova Ib
262 S. Beach ObSouth at Keech Ib
Beach And Orange SCampbell Middle School
Beach at Live Oak ObKeech at Loomis Ob
Gardiner at Beach ObKeech Library Ob
Beach at Cedar ObOrange Keech
Cedar St. at Us1Reva at Orange Ib
Loomis at Us1Lockhart at Orange Ib
Live Oak at Us1Haynes at Orange Ib
Orange at Us1 ObOrange Av& Henry Butts Ib
Orange at Marion ObDivision at Orange Ib
Orange at Division ObMarion at Orange Ib
Martin Luther King at Orange ObOrange at Seagrave Ib
Dr. M L King at Verdel St. ObUs1 at Orange Ob
Martin Luther King at Loomis ObUs1 at Loomis Ob
Martin Luther King at Cedar ObUs1 at Cedar Ob
Martin Luther King at South ObCedar at Beach Ib
South at Hudson ObBeach And Loomis 15n 15s Ib
Cedar Park Dr. at South ObBeach at Orange N
South at Willie ObMyrtle at Beach
South at Russell ObIntl Speedway And Beach N
South And Keech Ob165 N. Beach St. Ib
Nova Past Bellevue ObBeach And Bethune N
1198 S. Nova Ob433 N. Beach St.
Nova at Clearwater Ob140 Main St.
Nova at Ridgecrest Near Side ObHalifax at Main St.
Beville And Nova WEarl&Halifax N
Beville Road Shelter EHalifax Ora N
Ora at Wild Olive Ib
Intermodal Transit Facility