Agencies » Torrance Transit

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No branches have been detected as scheduled, so all branches are listed

Redondo Beach PierDowntown Long Beach Station
Downtown Long Beach Station (Shelter A)Redondo Beach Pier
Pacific Av at BroadwayTorrance Bl at Broadway
Pacific Av at 5th StTorrance Bl at Pacific Coast Hwy
Pacific Av at 7th StTorrance Bl at Camino Real Helberta Av
Pacific Av at 10th StTorrance Bl at Juanita Av
Pacific Av at Anaheim StTorrance Bl at Prospect Av
Pacific Av at 15th StTorrance Bl at Henrietta St
Pacific Coast Hwy at Pacific AvTorrance Bl at Palos Verdes Bl
Pacific Coast Hwy at Magnolia AvTorrance Bl at Victor St
Pacific Coast Hwy at Maine AvTorrance Bl at Anza Av
Pacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe AvTorrance Bl at Ocean Av
Pacific Coast Hwy at Judson AvHawthorne Bl at Torrance Bl
2101 Pacific Coast HwyCarson St at Del Amo Circle Bl
Pacific Coast Hwy at Blinn AvCarson St at Madrona Av
Pacific Coast Hwy at Watson AvCarson St at Maple Av
Pacific Coast Hwy at Sanford AvCarson St at Hickory Av
Pacific Coast Hwy at Eubank AvCarson St at Fern Av
Pacific Coast Hwy at Avalon BlCarson St at Crenshaw Bl
Pacific Coast Hwy at Island AvCarson St at Plaza Del Amo
Pacific Coast Hwy at Neptune AvCarson St at Manuel Av
Pacific Coast Hwy at Wilmington BlCarson St at Arlington Av
Wilmington Bl at Sandison StCarson St at Cabrillo Av
Wilmington Bl at Q StCarson St at Abalone Av
Wilmington Bl & Main St at Lomita BlCarson St at Western Av
Main St at Sepulveda BlCarson St at Denker Av
Main St at 233rd StCarson St at Normandie Av
Main St at 228th StCarson St at Budlong Av
Main St at 223rd StCarson St at Harbor-Umedical Center
223rd St at Dolores StCarson St at Vermont Av
223rd St at Grace AvCarson St at Figueroa St
Avalon Bl at 223rd StCarson St at Moneta Av
Avalon Bl at 220th StCarson St at Main St
Carson St at Avalon BlCarson St at Dolores St
Carson St at Grace AvCarson St at Grace Av
Carson St at Dolores StCarson St at Avalon Bl
Carson St at Main StAvalon Bl at 220th St
Carson St at Moneta Av223rd St at Avalon Bl
Carson St at Figueroa St223rd St at Grace Av
Carson St at Vermont Av223rd St at Dolores St
Carson St at Harbor-Umedical CenterMain St at 223rd St
Carson St at Budlong AvMain St at 228th St
Carson St at Normandie AvMain St at 234th St
Carson St at Denker AvMain St at Sepulveda Bl
Carson St at Western AvMain St & Wilmington Bl at Lomita Bl
Carson St at Cabrillo AvWilmington Bl at Q St
Carson St at Arlington AvWilmington Bl at Sandison St
Carson St at Manuel AvPacific Coast Hwy at Wilmington Bl
Carson St at Acacia AvPacific Coast Hwy at Neptune Av
Carson St at Crenshaw BlPacific Coast Hwy at Island Av
Carson St at Fern AvPacific Coast Hwy at Avalon Bl
Carson St at Hickory AvPacific Coast Hwy at Eubank Av
Carson St at Maple AvPacific Coast Hwy at Sanford Av
Carson St at Madrona AvPacific Coast Hwy at Watson Av
Carson St at Del Amo Circle BlPacific Coast Hwy at Blinn Av
Hawthorne Bl at Carson StPacific Coast Hwy at Hayes Av
Torrance Bl at Hawthorne BlPacific Coast Hwy at Santa Fe Av
Torrance Bl at Earl StPacific Coast Hwy at Oregon Av Maine Av
Torrance Bl at Anza AvPacific Coast Hwy at Magnolia Av Henderson Av
Torrance Bl at Victor StPacific Av at Pacific Coast Hwy
Torrance Bl at Palos Verdes BlPacific Av at 15th St
Torrance Bl at Henrietta StPacific Av at Anaheim St
Torrance Bl at Prospect AvPacific Av at 10th St
Torrance Bl at Juanita AvPacific Av at 7th St
Torrance Bl at Camino Real Helberta AvLong Beach Bl at 6th St
Torrance Bl at Pacific Coast HwyLong Beach Bl at 3rd St
Torrance Bl at Broadway LayoverDowntown Long Beach Station (Shelter A)
Redondo Beach Pier
COVID-19 Alert
Face coverings are no longer required on Torrance Transit buses, but are highly recommended for your safety.

Premium tracking history reports and charts

View Operating Chart (last 3 hours only)

See the progress of all vehicles for a route. Delays, gaps and bunching can be easily seen.

Route Performance Chart

See headway, rider average waiting time, speed, schedule adherence and passenger load (where available) for each stop.

View Route Tracking History

See a list of trips for a route or a vehicle.

Message/Alert History

The agency messages in effect during a range of time.

Schedule/Headway Adherence Chart

See the distribution of schedule or headway adherence by stop for a branch.

Passenger Load Chart

See the distribution of each passenger load level by stop for a branch.

Route Delay Map

Map of locations where vehicles are delayed along the route.

Choose Stop for Stop History

See a list of vehicles that serve the chosen stop with scheduled headway, actual gap between vehicles as well as a scatter plot of gaps.

Choose Stops for Link Times

Choose two stop and see a list of travel times between them, as well as a scatter plot of the travel time.