Agencies » Gainesville RTS

 •  28-The Hub to Butler Plaza

Outbound to Butler Plaza Transfer StationInbound to The Hub
The HubButler Plaza Transfer Station
Leigh HallHailey Gardens
Ben Hill Griffin StadiumNorthbound SW 43rd ST at Nearside SW 21st PL
O'Connell Center at Stadium RoadLiv Apartments
Gale Lemerand Athletic CenterAddison Lane
Springs Residence HallKensington South Apartments
Fraternity Row at West Fraternity DriveThe Park Apartments
Corry Village34th Street Plaza
Corry VillageFlorida Department of Agriculture
UF Bat HousesSW 34th St at Hull Rd
Lakeside Residential Complex NorthboundMaguire Village at SW 34th Street
UF Counseling and Wellness CenterEastbound Radio RD at Nearside SW 34 ST
Westbound Radio RD at Nearside SW 34 STUF Counseling and Wellness Center
Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine InstituteLakeside Residential Complex
Hilton University of Florida Conference CenterLakeside Residential Complex
34th Street PlazaCorry Village
Pinnacle Point ApartmentsCorry Village
Kensington North ApartmentsFraternity Row II across from Springs
Pinetree Gardens ApartmentsBeta Theta Pi across from Springs
Forest ParkKeys Residential Complex
Southfork OaksKeys Residential Complex
Butler Plaza NorthGator Corner Dining
Butler Plaza Transfer StationWeimer Hall College of Journalism
The Hub