Agencies » Roanoke Valley Metro

 •  85 - 3rd St Station to Peters Creek Road

No branches have been detected as scheduled, so all branches are listed

85 - Third Street Station to Peters Creek Road
3rd St Station Slip F
Gainsboro at Patton
Gainsboro NB at Harrison (Our Lady of the Valley)
Gainsboro NB at Madison
Orange WB at 3 1/2 Street
Orange WB at 5th
Orange WB at 8th
10th at Staunton
Staunton WB at 12th
Staunton WB at 14th
Staunton WB at 16th
Staunton WB at 18th
Staunton WB at 20th
Staunton WB at 22nd
Staunton WB at 24th
Staunton WB at Lafayette
Lafayette NB at New York
Lafayette NB at Massachusetts
Lafayette NB at Florida
Cove at Golfside
Hershberger WB at Cove (Valley View Garden Apartments)
Hershberger WB at Fairhope
Hershberger WB at Westside
Hershberger WB at Prestige Motors
Peters Creek NB at Appleton
Peters Creek NB at Woodbridge
Peters Creek NB at Food Lion Entrance
Cove SB at Food Lion Entrance