Agencies » Milton Transit

 •  1-High Point

No branches have been detected as scheduled, so all branches are listed

Conestoga-ParkhillMilton Go
Milton GO StationConestoga Parkhill
Thompson at Drew Centre8218 Parkhill
Main at WilsonParkhill at Durante
Main at OntarioParkhill at High Point
Ontario across GeorgeHigh Point at Regional Road 25
Ontario at WoodwardHighway 401 ParkAndRide
Ontario across MountainviewRegional Road 25 at Chisholm
Ontario at PitfieldMartin at Market
Ontario across RidgeMarket at Martin
Steeles at Ontario205 Market
Steeles at Wheelabrator331 Market
Steeles at Chris HadfieldMarket at Industrial
Steeles across BronteMilton Laurier Academic Centre
Industrial at SteelesIndustrial at Steeles
Milton Laurier Academic CentreSteeles at Bronte
Market at IndustrialSteeles at Martin
180 MarketSteeles across Wheelabrator
Market at MartinSteeles at Ontario
Martin across ChisholmOntario at Ridge
Highway 401 ParkAndRideOntario across Pitfield
High Point at Regional Road 25Ontario at Mountainview
High Point at ParkhillOntario at Woodward
8001 ParkhillOntario at George
Parkhill at DuranteMain at Milton Mall
8128 ParkhillMain across Wilson
Conestoga ParkhillDrew Centre at Main
Milton GO Station

Premium tracking history reports and charts

View Operating Chart (last 3 hours only)

See the progress of all vehicles for a route. Delays, gaps and bunching can be easily seen.

Route Performance Chart

See headway, rider average waiting time, speed, schedule adherence and passenger load (where available) for each stop.

View Route Tracking History

See a list of trips for a route or a vehicle.

Message/Alert History

The agency messages in effect during a range of time.

Schedule/Headway Adherence Chart

See the distribution of schedule or headway adherence by stop for a branch.

Passenger Load Chart

See the distribution of each passenger load level by stop for a branch.

Route Delay Map

Map of locations where vehicles are delayed along the route.

Choose Stop for Stop History

See a list of vehicles that serve the chosen stop with scheduled headway, actual gap between vehicles as well as a scatter plot of gaps.

Choose Stops for Link Times

Choose two stop and see a list of travel times between them, as well as a scatter plot of the travel time.