Stops near me by GPS going North East South West

Only routes with currently scheduled service are listed. Show all routes.

Agencies » Jacksonville JTA

* Routes with premium features available free.

 •  1-North Main

 •  3-Moncrief

 •  4-Kings Road

 •  8-Beach Blvd/Town Center

 •  10-Atlantic Blvd

 •  11-A Philip Randolph

 •  12-Myrtle Ave

 •  13-Commonwealth/Lane

 •  14-Normandy

 •  16-Riverside/Wilson

 •  17-St. Augustine/San Jose

 •  18-Atlantic/Monument

 •  19-Arlington

 •  21-Boulevard/Gateway

 •  22-Avenue B

 •  23-Townsend/Southside

 •  24-Mayport

 •  25-San Jose/University Hub

 •  27-Philips Hwy/Avenues Walk

 •  28-Southside Blvd/Sunbeam

 •  30-Cecil/103rd

 •  31-Park/Blanding

 •  32-McDuff

 •  50-University

 •  51-Edgewood

 •  53-Commonwealth/Cassat

 •  80-NAS Shuttle

 •  82-Amazon Shuttle

 •  FCF-Green Line (Armsdale)

 •  FCF-Orange Line (Orange Park Mall)

 •  FCF-Blue Line (Avenues Walk)

 •  FCF-Red Line (Arlington/Beaches)

 •  202-Mayport Express

 •  Baker-Baker Wildcat Shuttle

 •  Ferry-St Johns River Ferry

 •  Sky-Skyway

 •  Nassau-Nassau Express Select

 •  St. Johns-St. Johns Express Select

 •  Clay-Clay Express Select

 •  900-Clay Flex Red Line

 •  902-Clay Flex Blue Line

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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.