Stops near me by GPS going North East South West

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Agencies » Halifax Transit

* Routes with premium features available free.

 •  1-Spring Garden*

 •  2-Fairview*

 •  3-CrossTown*

 •  4-Universities*

 •  5-Portland*

 •  6A-Woodside

 •  6B-Eastern Passage

 •  6C-Heritage Hills

 •  7A-Peninsula

 •  7B-Peninsula

 •  8-Sackville Corridor

 •  9A-Greystone

 •  9B-Herring Cove

 •  10A-Dalhousie - Bridge Terminal

 •  10B-Dalhousie - Micmac Terminal

 •  10C-Dalhousie

 •  21-Lakeside - Timberlea

 •  22-Armdale

 •  24-Leiblin Park

 •  25-Governors Brook

 •  28-Bayers Lake

 •  29-Barrington

 •  30A-Parkland

 •  30B-Dunbrack

 •  39-Flamingo

 •  51A-Windmill

 •  53-Notting Park

 •  54-Montebello

 •  55-Port Wallace

 •  56-Dartmouth Crossing

 •  58-Woodlawn

 •  59-Colby

 •  61-North Preston

 •  62-Grahams Grove

 •  63-Mount Edward

 •  64-Akerley

 •  65-Caldwell

 •  67-Baker

 •  68-Cherry Brook

 •  72-Portland Hills

 •  82-First Lake

 •  83-Springfield

 •  84-Glendale Express

 •  85-Millwood

 •  86-Beaver Bank

 •  87-Sackville-Dartmouth

 •  88-Bedford Commons

 •  90-Larry Uteck

 •  91-Hemlock Ravine

 •  93-Bedford Highway

 •  123-Timberlea Express

 •  158-Woodlawn Express

 •  159-Colby Express

 •  161-North Preston Express

 •  168A-Auburn Express

 •  182-First Lake Express

 •  183-Springfield Express

 •  185-Millwood Express

 •  186-Beaver Bank Express

 •  192-Hemlock Ravine Express

 •  320-Airport - Fall River Regional Exp

 •  401-Preston-Porters Lake-Grand Desert

 •  415-Purcells Cove

 •  FerD-Alderney Ferry

 •  FerW-Woodside Ferry

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TransSee by Darwin O'Connor. Follow on Twitter.