Stops near me by GPS going North East South West

Only routes with currently scheduled service are listed. Show all routes.

Agencies » Oklahoma City EMBARK

 •  32-Apartment Loop

 •  52-Campus Loop

 •  40-Lloyd Noble Shuttle

 •  42-Research Route

 •  2-Route 2

 •  1-Route 1

 •  6-Route 6

 •  3-Route 3

 •  4-Route 4

 •  5-Route 5

 •  002-N Coltrane

 •  003-N Kelly

 •  007-N May

 •  008-N Penn/N63rd

 •  009-W Reno Crosstown

 •  010-N Portland

 •  011-S 29 St Crosstown

 •  012-S May

 •  013-S Western/Occc

 •  014-S44 St/Sunnylane

 •  015-Midwest City

 •  016-S Penn

 •  018-Lincoln

 •  022-Ml King/Occhd

 •  023-23rd St Crosstown

 •  024-Norman Express

 •  038-N 10 St Crosstown

 •  040-S Walker

 •  110-Main St/24 N

 •  111-E Lindsey/Alameda

 •  112-W Lindsey/36 N

 •  121-Westheimer Airport

 •  122-12 Ne/Rock Creek Rd


 •  DL-Downtown Loop

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