Stops near me by GPS going North East South West

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Agencies » Corpus Christi CCRTA

No routes have been detected as scheduled, so all routes are listed

 •  3-NAS Shuttle

 •  4-Flour Bluff

 •  4E-Flour Bluff Express (PILOT)

 •  5-Alameda

 •  6-Santa Fe/Malls

 •  12-Hillcrest/Baldwin

 •  15-Kostoryz/Carroll High School

 •  16-Morgan/Port

 •  17-Carroll/Southside

 •  19-Ayers

 •  21-Arboleda

 •  23-Molina

 •  24-Airline/Yorktown Connector

 •  25-Gollihar/Greenwood

 •  26-Airline/Lipes

 •  27-Leopard

 •  28-Leopard/Navigation

 •  29-Staples

 •  32-Southside

 •  34-Robstown North

 •  35-Robstown South

 •  37-Crosstown

 •  50-Calallen/Robstown NAS Express

 •  51-Gregory/NAS Express

 •  54-Gregory/Downtown Express

 •  60-Momentum Shuttle

 •  65-Padre Island Flex

 •  76-Downtown Shuttle

 •  78-North Beach

 •  83-Advance Industries

 •  90-Port Aransas Flexi-B

 •  93-FLEX

 •  94-Port Aransas Shuttle

 •  95-Port Aransas Express

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