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Agencies » Chapel Hill

No routes have been detected as scheduled, so all routes are listed

* Routes with premium features available free.

 •  N - Estes Park / UNC Hospitals / Meadowmont

 •  S - UNC / Campus Friday Center South Park and Ride

 •  D - UNC Hospitals / Franklin St / Old Durham Rd

 •  420 - Hillsborough-Chapel Hill

 •  CM - Carrboro / Merritt Mill Rd

 •  Safe Ride J - Franklin Street / Carrboro / Rock Creek

 •  HS - Morris Grove Elementary / Smith Level Rd

 •  NS - Eubanks Rd / Southern Village

 •  G - Booker Creek / UNC Hospitals

 •  J - Carrboro / Downtown Chapel Hill / Jones Ferry Rd

 •  A - Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd / Northside / University Place

 •  B - Baity Hill / UNC Hospitals

 •  CCX - Chatham County Express

 •  CL - Sage / Old Oxford Rd / UNC Hospitals

 •  CW - Carrboro / Weaver Street / UNC

 •  F - Colony Woods / Franklin St

 •  FCX - Friday Center Express

 •  NU - RR Lot / UNC Hospitals

 •  RU - Campus Reverse Shuttle

 •  Safe Ride G - Franklin Street / Glen Lennox / Meadowmont

 •  Safe Ride T - Franklin Street / MLK, Jr. Blvd / Timberlyne

 •  T - MLK, Jr. Blvd / UNC Hospitals

 •  U - Campus Shuttle

 •  F - Colony Woods / Franklin St / McDougle School

 •  C - UNC Campus / Smith Level

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